Cranberry Nut Bars

Cranberry Nut Bars

Cranberry Nut Bars
  • Prep Time

    10 minutes
  • Serving Size

    16 servings


  • Eggs2
  • Sugar1 cup
  • Flour1 cup
  • Butter or margarine1/3 cup
  • Fresh Cranberries1 1/4 cups
  • Chopped walnuts1/2 cup
  • Featured Product

    Fresh Cranberries


Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease an 8-inch baking pan. Beat eggs in a medium mixing bowl until thick. Gradually add sugar, beating until thoroughly blended. Stir in flour and melted butter; blend well. Add cranberries and walnuts, mixing gently just until combined. Spread evenly in pan. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool and cut into bars. Makes 16 servings. Per Serving: Cal. 146.7 (7% DV), Fat Cal. 62.9, Pro. 2.2g (4% DV), Carb. 19.6g (7% DV), Fat 7.0g (11% DV), Chol. 36.6mg (12% DV), Sod. 36.3mg (2% DV), Vit. A 36.1RE (3% DV), Vit C 1.2mg (2% DV), Vit. E 0.3mg (1% DV), Calcium 10.0mg (1% DV), Iron 0.6 mg (3% DV), Folate 21.2 Ug (5% DV), Zinc 0.3mg (2% DV), Pot. 40.1 mg (1% DV), Dietary Exchange: Fruit 0.5, starch 1, Meat 0, Fat 1