Duckart Family

Duckart Family

Duckart Family - Bob Duckart
  • Location


  • Generation


  • Established


  • Farmed Acres


Farmer Fun Fact

The Duckart family produces premium fresh cranberries that are shipped throughout North America and Europe. The berries are harvested using a picker that drives over the flooded bed, slowly raking the cranberries up from the vines and placing them in a small boat. From there the boats are taken to the side of the bed and the fruit is emptied into a truck. This unique method of harvesting fresh cranberries was developed in Wisconsin.

A Passion For Cranberries

“I have pride that it’s a generational, family business. In 1873, my great grandfather started the farm and we are still keeping the legacy going. I love that I get to work with nature, the outdoors and see wildlife every day and that each day/year is different.” - Bob Duckart